Facebook Live, go to: "The First Church in Hartland" group on Facebook to watch live services
Worship - 10:00 a.m.
Join Pastor Marilyn Collins, the members and friends on Sundays for worship. Worship begins in our beautiful sanctuary at 10:00 am. Following worship join us at fellowship and coffee hour in our Parish Hall across the street. Both buildings are handicap accessible. There is always someone there to greet you and answer any questions you may have about our church and our worship style. Coffee hour will take a break during the summer.
- During worship there is a Nursery Room available in the back of the Sanctuary, for infants through kindergarten ages. This room has a monitor (Speakers added) so parents can watch the service and also take care of their children whom they feel are unable to sit through the worship service.
Pastor's Office Hours - Pastor Marilyn is in her office on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please call the church to make an appointment. Her private and confidential email is: mcollinsfirsthartland@gmail.com
Sunday School:
Sunday School tbd.
Children's Choir: 
Children's Choir dates to be determined.